You're just Jenny from the block, alright. I don't care WHAT year it was. NICE HAIR, NICE JEANS. UGH.

Remember when Madonna was a woman? A boytoy? A material girl?

Pregnant Gwen Stefani took Kingston to his Grandma's house today in L.A. On Monday, Gwen will be taking little Kingston to the dr. to have his pacifier surgically removed from his mouth, as it has fused to his face

I am so sickened by this talentless skank already. Let's hope she's not spinning Lohan Holiday on there

"Jen's pain" is my pain

Paris loves her ugly face

Fun flashback! Katie's pregnancy

Cracked up Courtney, part time lesbian, with her new lover, "Dirty Harry"

The irresistible charm of Sam Lufti

Do you think rehab worked for Amy?

Why won't Madonna let Lourdes be pretty?

Two questions: Does Zahara ever grow, and can she walk?

Lindsay with her on again, off again smug punk lesbian lover, Samantha Ronson

Chris Brown and Rihana at Fashion Week in Paris

Lauren Conrad wearing the sickest shoes I've ever seen, and I have seen them, back in 1975

Kelly Clarkson is overdoing it a little..is her song really that cool?

Bret Michaels is old and corny

Michael Lohan, Man of God, "mugs" for the camera in NYC

Paris studies the strange growths on her chest, which were not there before