Another reason to hate that bitch Madonna. Hollywood Headache reports that after fans stood in line for hours waiting for her to sign all the Madonna crap they bought after sweating at one of her concerts for hours (because bitch doesn't allow air conditioning,) when she saw some overweight girls:
Madonna’s people turned the two girls away. “We’re sorry,” they said, “Madonna only likes to be surrounded by fit, healthy people.” The girls asked what that meant and the people told them, “She doesn’t like to be around over-weight people. It puts her in a bad mood. It’s unhealthy.”
You know what puts me in a bad mood? Unibrows.

Her new song with Justin Timberlake is horrible, like school marching band techno crap. Madonna has hands and arms like a 87 year old man. The two of them together suck every ounce of oxegyn out of a room because THEY ARE SO COOL. OMG they're both so ugly and sickening. Madonna can't act, can't sing,and is an UGLY BITCH. Justin is gay and has pubic hairs smeared all over his little bitch face. Let's not forget how he bawled like a baby and called his mommy when he thought the IRS were at his house on Pun'kd. Two of the biggest losers ever.