Tom fixes his steely Scientology gaze onto Forest, while Katie stares at the ground like Tom taught her to. Don't make eye contact, Forest!

Tom, 45, and Katie, 29, dined with Oscar-winning actor Forest Whitaker, 46, and his wife Keisha, 35. How creepy that you know Tom is always trying to recruit you into his freaky cult. He's too intensely programed to just "go out to dinner."

Get Katie the fat man special! She looks like she could use it, and while you're at it, throw in a few pints of blood too. Bitch is looking wobbly in her corny brown sandals with her big bunions. I don't know if you can tell, but I swear to you, she's wearing those thick shiny kind of pantyhose that old librarians wear! (You can tell in the giant pic)

Only 10 months ago, they went to dinner with Brooke Shields, and Katie still looked like herself