I must be hitting the crazy pills too hard today, but this set of photos made me actually like Lindsay Lohan for more than a few minutes. I was going to say some smartass thing like "Wow Lindsay still has a few fans who don't know what a slut she is"

but then I saw the genuine joy on that little girl's face in the reflection of the glass when Lindsay is handing her an autograph, and well... okay I didn't exactly choke up but Lindsay looks happy to have fans too, even young fans.

Then this picture of Lindsay's 37 year old sister had to ruin this sweet moment for me. Shouldn't she be in bed or in school? Let me guess, Dina home schools her. On what? Being a fame whore? Make-up layering 101? Ali, 13, said "I want to be famous. You don't know how bad I want it. So bad. I want people to look up to me."

Good luck with that. Because you're gross, and the world really doesn't have enough room for two Lindsay Lohan's.