On working with Justin Timberlake: "I really enjoy writing with Justin...(Because he's such a little bitch) We had psychoanalytic sessions whenever we wrote songs first. We'd sit down and we'd start talking about situations. And then we'd start talking about issues or problems(and then we'd solve them all because we are so much better than anyone else we know) or relationships with people. (Because you're both so deep and introspective.) That was the only way, because you know, writing together with somebody is very intimate...that was fun, because he's open and he's got talent. He's a songwriter. I haven't worked with a lot of songwriters where I'm instantly connected and start riffing(because you're such a gifted guitar player!) and playing with the rhythm of the words. He's as interested in the rhythm of the words as the meaning of the words."

On adopting her son David: "He wouldn't have lived if I hadn't taken him. It's not even a possibility." (So he owes me big time. That brat better never give me any trouble, because I'm Madonna, and he needs to know that)

On gaining perspective: "We live very comfortable lives, and unfortunately, we have to have our noses rubbed in other people's pain and suffering(and I really don't want to see all that, especially fat people, I hate them, I really do. They put me in the worst mood) to realize how much we have and how much we have to be grateful for.

On bringing daughter Lourdes with her to Malawi: "She spent several weeks working in the orphanages, particularly one with newborn children, and most of them were HIV-positive. She so came into her own and was so responsible and stayed for eight hours every day and worked tirelessly. I thought, why am I babying her so much? She's capable of so much more. We don't let kids do anything.(I won't let her get her eyebrows waxed until she's 18, because I think beauty is only skin deep. Besides, I don't want her looking better than me. I've never had anything done to my face, I'm all natural, so she should be too) We think, Oh, they're kids -- they can't take care of other kids; they can't do this; they can't do that. And after you go to Africa, you drop all that silliness.
Poor Lourdes suffers from giant dandruff flakes, and werewolf syndrome!
