So when this story of Hulk's "cheating" first came out, it was made to sound like he was with Brooke's best friend, as if she were a young 19 year old girl. Now I say what's the big deal? Linda is a raging bitch who treats him terrible and it was clear that she was only about his money from the first time I saw their show. She looks like she's been embalmed, and he had to beg her for affection. Also, he put up with this bitch for 24 years, and she clearly didn't want him. This so called best friend of Brooke's is THIRTY THREE years old, so my better question is why does Brooke have a 33 year old best friend, and was it really cheating on BITCH Linda, who was always threatening Hulkster with divorce, whining about everything, and refusing to give him any? (gross I know) I SAY NO it wasn't cheating, he'd had enough.
Okay, well nice makeup. Nice opera gloves and skin tight "saloon dress." She looks like Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke. Give it up. You're not hot, you're old, and gross. Your constant posing and preening for the camera makes me sick.

Linda is a full blown alcoholic who has spent time at The Betty Ford clinic, and in court documents, it states that Linda has been abusive and foul mouthed to both Hulk and the kids. Now she may want him back! But not for his love, for her love of his money.

Brooke needs to find friends her own age and shut up.
This is the most ridiculous, unnatural bikini pose I've ever seen, it's right up there with Heidi Montag's poses

Linda is lucky she got to use Hulk for as long as she did. On their show, Linda is consumed by how she looks on camera, next time watch her! She's always trying to cover her hideous face, and there is a closet scene where she's making fun of HIS CLOTHES (HAS SHE SEEN HERS??? SO TACKY) and they are filming her from below and she won't show her neck/face, tries to hide it, it's so lame. Her layers of make-up are corpse like and she looks older than any "48" year old I've ever seen, except for maybe Brigiette Nielson, and she's an alcoholic, so at least she has an excuse! So there is the original story below, and I say LEAVE HULK ALONE! He's suffered enough with that gold digger,

"Look at MEEEEEEE". Dress your age. Put your big wrinkly boobs away. UGH.

According to a tabloid report, Hulk Hogan, who is divorcing Linda Bollea after nearly twenty-five years of marriage, cheated on his wife with a female friend of his teen daughter Brooke. Thirty-three year old Christiane Plante, who worked with nineteen year old Brooke on her horrible bomb 2006 LP, has confessed to her affair with the fifty-four year old dad of her friend in a snitching report with The National Enquirer. Christine claims the affair took place in 2007 while the family was shooting their VH1 reality show Hogan Knows Best.
The one thing I would say to Hulk is: stop with the hand gestures. Please. No one knows what they mean. That you're "rock and roll?" "strong?" A "gangster?" That you think you look cool? Okay well they just make you look really stupid. So stop it.

You might want to look into your Corny facial expressions too