J, LO, (yep, no one will ever stop calling you J.Lo you hairy freak.) scored a $6 million deal to debut her frightening twins on the cover of People Magazine. In addition to the outrageous sum of money, J.LO threw in extra DEMANDS that the magazine had to agree to abide by. Chief among them: People would no longer be allowed to refer to her as “JLo.” Also, that no one refer to Marc as "Skeletor!"
Bitch also demanded that her husband, Skeletor, shoot the photos for the People spread. Since when is Skeletor a photographer? PLEASE.

Six million for pics of those hairy little mutants, and if you've see the two of them you know there's no possible way they could even look slightly cute. This ridiculous, vulgar snob is out of control, making demands when she's being paid this much.WE MUST STOP HER! We have the power!
Remember what happened to my beloved Bee Gees when everybody blamed disco onto them? Gather your J. Lo and Marc Anthony albums!

Then get all of your J.Lo movies! Burn them now!

WHO do they think they are?! NO, REALLY!! LOOK AT THEIR "Body of work!" Where did she ever get the idea that she was even remotely cool? Her mom Guadalupe? Get the hook for this ho, I hope her People sells way less than Christina's. I wish no one would buy a single copy. Let's all not buy People magazine! Who cares about those freaks, we'll see the pics here! Go back to the Bronx, you fugly losers. When is the last time you did anything worth remembering? Oh, yeah, it was the first and only thing, Selena.