My Match.Com

Oprah and O.J. So perfectly matched, I can't believe they haven't thought of it themselves! They are both known by only one name. They share african american heritage. They have gigantic heads in common, both in physical size, and in their opinions of themselves. Those two put the "know" in "know it all's". They know everything there is to know, and answer to absolutely no one. Ever! Oprah doesn't approve of O.J.'s killings, but admires his ability to justify his actions and apologize to no one. He envies her for her rise to success with no talent whatsoever. She doesn't fear him, and won't tolerate another killing rampage.Potential problems? O.J. will not want Dr. Phil hanging around

Paris and teen heart-throb Leif Garrett. Why? She loves "bad boys" and he crippled his best friend in a car accident. She thinks that's hot! She carries every sexually transmitted disease known to man, and he is covered with sores already, so he's sure not to mind

Tom & Punk rocker, Iggy Pop. Why? Well, opposites attract, and Tom craves excitement. And he's gay

Andy Dick & Amy. Why? Both love drugs, all kinds, and though Andy is gay, he keeps a smile on Amy's face with his witty antics

Both enjoy a drink or two

Lindsay & Pete. Why? She loves drugs and bad boys, and so does he

John & Tom. Why? Iggy's lifestyle may be too reckless for Tom. John and Tom's deep, shared belief in Scientology, and their burning desire for same sex love would prove for a more lasting union. In their small, insane worlds, they are Gods. Potential problems? Both have the strong urge to be in control, and physical abuse could occur

Michael & Britney. Why? Both huge pop stars at a young age, neither has a clue about how to live in a world that doesn't revolve solely around them. They both love thick, cheap make-up, but Britney prefers the drugstore kind, while Michael had his tatooed right on his face. Their mental disorders are so severe, there is no hope of either living a normal life. Both have disfigured themselves beyond recognition, and their combined cash can keep them in monkeys and frappucinos until the end of time

The fun loving pair have alot in common. Michael and Brit share a love of the beach

the wacky pair both forget to get dressed before they go out in public

they are both model parents who always put their children first!

They are easily recognized when they go out, affording them little privacy

Sometimes this upsets Michael, who has been known to go beserk!

The pop stars are fiercly religious, and prayer plays an important part in their daily life